We are committed to building a robust ecosystem to support everything you need while experiencing Bitcoin smart contract products and developing according to the NOTE protocol. Here are some resources we recommend:
How to Participate
- Protocol Development, Issue Feedback, Discussion: If you want to participate in the development of the NOTE protocol, provide feedback, or engage in discussions, please read the protocol documentation first, and then join the discussions and development. Start by discussing in the discussion area, then submit a NIP (Note Improvement Proposal).
- Document Translation: If you want to correct errors in the protocol documentation or translate it into other languages, you can fork this repository, make changes, and submit a pull request. This document is written using Docusaurus.
- Contribute Projects and Code: If you have project introductions or open-source code, please submit them in the discussion area, or fork this repository and submit a pull request.
Welcome to join our community! We highly encourage you to ask questions, share your experiences and ideas, and interact with other users. You can join our community through the following ways:
- X: We have a community on X where you can interact with other users, get help, or discuss projects. Please visit X Community for more information. You can also follow the Chief Contributor on Twitter for content in Chinese.
- GitHub: We maintain a repository on GitHub where you can submit issues, report bugs, or contribute code. Please visit GitHub Repository for more information.
- Discord: We have a community server on Discord where you can interact with other users, get help, or discuss projects. Please visit Discord Server for more information. -- Telegram: We have a community group on Telegram where you can interact with other users, get help, or discuss projects. Please visit Telegram Group for more information.
We look forward to hearing from you and supporting you in your journey with Note Protocol!
- Direct Message: Please contact us via X Direct Message.