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Projects and SourceCode

Open Source Code Examples

  • scryptdemo: scryptdemo is the first contract code example, providing templates for development and testing. Developers can use it as a basis for their projects. #OpenSource #SmartContract
  • scrypt-verify: scrypt-verify is the off-chain contract verification code for the NOTE protocol. It is based on scryptlib and provides Satoshi Nakamoto's original BVM for contract verification. #OpenSource #SmartContract
  • N20 Connect: N20 Connect is a frontend wallet connection library for the Bitcoin ecosystem, similar to Wallet Connect. It currently supports several wallets, including UniSat, NoteMarketWallet, and ChainBow Wallet. It provides convenience for DApp development.#Utility #Example #OpenSource
  • pyNoteMinter: Based on pyNoteWallet, pyNoteMinter is optimized for minting tokens on the NOTE protocol.#Utility #Example #OpenSource
  • N-Deployer: Deploy your own token of NOTE Protocol.Support connect to NOTE BTC network via ChainBow Wallet, Unisat Wallet and NOTEMarket Wallet (via n20-connect).#Utility #Example #OpenSource
  • Go-Urchain: Go language client for data services. #tool #opensource
  • Your Code: We look forward to more developers open-sourcing their code to help more people understand the NOTE protocol.


  • NOTE.SV: NOTE.SV is a password and encrypted note management software. It encrypts content according to the NOTE protocol and stores it on the blockchain. Each note is encrypted with a different private key, distributed across blockchain nodes worldwide, ensuring secure and permanent content storage. NOTE.SV was the earliest application of the NOTE protocol, with its design inspiring the protocol's creation. #Application #RealWorld
  • Your Project: We look forward to your projects, showcasing how blockchain can transform lives and work.


  • Balance Inquiry: A token address balance inquiry tool. The unit of measurement is Zhang = 1000 tokens.
  • NoteMinter: NoteMinter is a dedicated tool for mining NOTE tokens, written in Go. #Go #OpenSource
  • Testnet One-Click Token Issuance: A testnet one-click token issuance website. Many testnet tokens have been deployed using this site. #Utility
  • N20 Bulk Sender: enabling users to easily send N20 assets in bulk to multiple addresses. The N20 Bulk Sender connects user wallets via the n20-connect project, supporting ChainBow Wallet, Unisat Wallet, and NOTE Market Wallet. it is now fully open-source, and developers can access the complete code at GitHub #Utility #OpenSource